CLA High School
2023-2024 School Day Start/End Times
CLA’s High School, located on CLA's White City Campus, at 176 Salmon Way, will open for students at 8:30am, with breakfast being served at 8:45am. Classes start at 9:00am for all grades. All classes end for students at 3:00pm.
The High School learning environment is a flexible learning program providing in-person academic support with online learning curriculum. The school focuses on providing students the curriculum and flexibility to complete their High School Diploma and the pursuit of dual credit, CTE, and/or career opportunities. Students are expected to work Monday - Friday in all online courses to meet attendance requirements. Students are required to attend campus meetings, classes, and supports as outlined by their class Advisor within their Personal Education Plan. There is a minimum of one on-campus face-to-face meeting each week. Programs and activities include Leadership, Pathway Partnership with Rogue Community College and Klamath Community College, Flight Instruction Program, Rogue WorkForce, S.O. Scavenger Hunt, S.O. Brain Bowl.
School Times:
Monday - Thursday 9:00am - 3:00pm
High School Academy Leadership
Jennifer Evans
Program Director
CLA High School
Phone: 541-879-3620
Tracy Huntsman
Assistant Programs Director
CLA High School
Phone: 541-879-3620